What we do
The full traditional project phases include the following:
Porter Architects can provide existing site and building inspections/ reports helping you get a clear picture of the integrity of your building/ site. This can be for a small existing house, a vacant site, or a large existing public/ commercial building.
We can also engage other construction industry professionals to help fulfill the picture. This may include professional advice from structural/ civil engineers, town planning consultants, fire engineers, construction professionals, services engineers, disabled access consultants, legal professionals, building surveyors, flood water engineers, etc.
Understanding the existing conditions of your site or building can be an important step to planning out the future of your project.
- meet with client to determine project objectives and constraints.
- review planning controls, guidelines and site possibilities.
- provide planning diagrams of building envelope.
- prepare site analysis of opportunities and constraints.
- provide detailed analysis of development cost, operating costs, marketing and funding options.
- provide anticipated cash flow schedule of the anticipated development costs.
- prepare comprehensive report of findings with recommendations for development.
Schematic Design
Pre-design Stage
- obtains the client’s design brief and other requirements.
- provide recommendations as required for fees and for the appointment of consultants.
- arrange and attend client meetings.
- inspect the site and assess site conditions and constraints.
- undertake preliminary analysis of authority regulations and requirements
- Obtain survey and title information.
Design Stage
- arrange and attend meetings with authorities, consultants and others.
- arrange and attend client meetings.
- prepare sketch drawings including sketches, diagrams and other information to adequately explain the design.
- prepare design briefs for consultants.
- co-ordinate cost consultant in the preparation of the preliminary estimate of the Cost of Works.
- prepare preliminary selections of materials and finishes.
- obtain the client’s approval to proceed to Design Development Stage.
- obtain the client’s approval to prepare Town Planning Application/Development Approval as required.
Development Approval – Application Services
- prepare the necessary documents for planning the application.
- assist the client with lodging planning application.
- prepare detailed site analysis and streetscape drawings to local authority requirements.
- prepare detailed shadow diagrams to local authority requirements.
- assist client in the coordination of planning consultant and other specialist advisors as required for a planning application.
- attend pre-application meetings with local planning authority prior to submission of a formal planning application.
- prepare a report on the design intent as required in support of and to justify the application.
Development Approval – Negotiation Tribunal Services (Not included in fee)
- as agreed and directed by the client, negotiate and attend meetings with adjoining owners and/or interest groups prior to or after submission of the formal planning application.
- as agreed and directed by the client, negotiate and attend meetings with local planning authority or other related authorities following submission of the formal planning application.
- prepare additional documentation in relation to planning tribunals associated with the planning application.
- prepare evidence, attend hearings and give evidence at planning tribunals associated with the planning application.
- assist the client in obtaining the required planning approvals.
- develop the approved Schematic Design into a final design solution with drawings at an appropriate scale and other details or documents to adequately explain the design.
- arrange and attend client meetings.
- co-ordinate the design work undertaken by consultants.
- provide a schedule of proposed materials and finishes.
- review the final design against the budget established by the cost consultant and co-ordinate the cost consultant in the preparation of the updated estimate of the Cost of Works.
- obtain the client’s approval to proceed with the Construction Documentation Stage.
Construction documentation services are provided on the basis of normal procurement via a tender process or negotiation with a selected builder/contractor.
- prepare recommendations to the client on the preferred method of tendering.
- arrange and attend client meetings.
- prepare drawings at an appropriate scale including plans, elevations, and sections, together with other details and schedules to enable the project to be tendered.
- coordinate and integrate the work of consultants with the architectural drawings.
- prepare a specification describing the quality of materials, finishes, and workmanship necessary to complete the project in accordance with the drawings and the client’s requirements.
- submit documents for certification/building approval with the client’s building surveyor.
- co-ordinate the cost consultant in the preparation of a pre-tender estimate of the Cost of Works.
- obtain the client’s approval of all construction documents.
- obtain the client’s approval to proceed with Construction Procurement.
The architect will obtain directions from the client on the preferred method of procurement of the building works.
- assist client in selecting the method of tender required.
- prepare list of prospective tenderers for approval by client.
- call tenders.
- prepare tender documents and issue to all tenderers.
- respond to enquiries from tenderers.
- close and assess the tenders.
- negotiate with the preferred tenderer to obtain offer acceptable to client.
- prepare report and recommendation of tenderer’s offer for acceptance by client.
- prepare the contract documents.
- arrange for the signing and execution of the contract documents by both parties.
Negotiated Offers
- prepare list of prospective contractors for consideration and approval by client.
- brief selected contractors.
- issue all relevant documents to selected builder/contractor to describe the scope of the works.
- arrange and co-ordinate negotiations with selected builder/contractor together with client’s cost consultant.
- respond to enquiries from selected builder/contractor.
- assess all submissions and proposals from selected builder/contractor required to establish the contract price.
- obtain final offer from selected builder/contractor for review by client’s cost consultant and submission to client.
- obtain acceptance and approval from client of final offer by selected builder/contractor.
- prepare the Contract Documents.
- arrange for the signing and execution of the contract documents by both parties.
Construction Services
- undertake periodic site inspections, check work in progress regarding design quality control, materials selections and performance as described in the contract documents.
- review shop drawings and other submissions by builder/contractor.
- provide builder/contractor supplementary details and information.
- provide builder/contractor instructions to clarify the contract documents where required.
- administer variations and obtain client approvals.
- arrange and attend site meetings and other meetings as required.
- provide the client with regular reports regarding time, cost and progress of the works.
- assess builder/contractor’s progress claims and issue progress certificates.
- assess builder/contractor’s claims for extensions of time.
- adjust prime cost and provisional sums and other monetary sums included in the contract documents.
- co-ordinate the construction services provided by consultants and their administration of specialized sub-contract work associated with the works.
- assess the state of the works and prepare defects lists prior to practical completion.
- issue instructions to the builder/contractor for work required to achieve practical completion including rectification of any defects.
- inspect rectification of defects and issue notice of practical completion.
Post-Construction Services
- assess the final contract account.
- co-ordinate the rectification of any further defects found in the works during the defects liability period, and if required, advise the client of the procedure for the rectification of any defective work by others.
- inspect the works to ensure all defects are rectified and works under the contract are complete.
- issue the Final Certificate.
Digital Renderings
- prepare detailed 3D rendered images of the project.
- provide realistic streetscape perspectives by superimposing 3D rendered images of the proposal into the existing site context.
Existing Condition Surveys
- provide detailed drawings showing all existing buildings, visible services and finishes.
- prepare existing conditions drawings in digital format.
Non Core Documentation
- assist client-appointed programmer (or programmer appointed by selected construction manager/builder/contractor) in preparation of agreed program trade documentation packages.
- provide parts of the works in trade package format.
- provide matching specifications for each trade package.
- provide set of standard preliminaries suitable for inclusion with all trade package documentation.
- co-ordinate client-appointed consultants in the preparation of trade package documentation for specialist sections of the works.
- assist client-appointed contractor/construction manager/project manager in responding to queries from trade contractors.